How Do I Know that’s God?

How Do I Know that’s God?
A bit of teaching on the prophetic.
With all the avenues media presents, we all get information that is both accurate and not. Even from the prophetic world. So how do we discern if what is being said is God?
Aside from the basic “Is it biblical,” are many more questions. Many prophetic words are not biblical in word or principle. Those are not up for debate—throw them out. Others, though, are biblical in principle, but may or may not be in the Bible, per se. What I mean is that the prophetic gift itself is biblical, but much of what is prophesied is not found in the Bible, i.e. is not quoting scripture. Even at that, just because someone quotes scripture it doesn’t mean it is a prophetic word. Note the devil also quotes scripture. So how do we know?
Here are a few ways to decide.
First, it may be a real prophetic word, just not for you. Not all real prophetic words are for everyone. I will often read a word, think “oh that’s good,” and then move on. Because though it was God speaking it wasn’t a word for me. I know people who live in fear that they have to receive and take to heart every “prophecy” out there. And that if they don’t they aren’t living in faith and apprehending what the word was presenting. That is living in fear. More superstition than faith.
When I read or hear a prophecy my first question is “Is it biblical?” Then, “Is there an anointing from the Holy Spirit on it for me?” If not, then I often won’t finish reading. Why bother? If I continue reading after I have decided there isn’t an anointing on it for me, it can lead to confusion or disgust. Confusion, because then I’m focusing on the words instead of whether or not the Holy Spirit is resting on it for me. 1 John says that we have an anointing from the Holy One that is true and is not a lie. In the supernatural realm it is essential to have both the Word and the Spirit as witnesses to what we receive as true. And yes, I do get disgusted when people mishandle the Bible. Also when someone who should know better continues in their immaturity. Instead they should growing up. If God has stopped speaking, turn off the spigot.
Levels of prophetic authority. There are levels of authority when it comes to prophetic gifts. Just as Paul said to the Corinthians, “If I am not an apostle to others, yet doubtless I am to you. For you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord.” The point is that people are called to a group, a church, a city, a state, a nation, or the world. Trying to operate outside their realm of authority is wrong. Not everyone in Christendom is in the same place spiritually. What is God saying to the nation is far different than what He is saying to an individual or to a local church. 
With the age of technology many people post prophecies online. This ups our responsibility individually as to what we hear and take to heart as a word from the Lord. We no longer have gatekeepers in our church saying “yea” or “nay.” Be responsible both as the speaker and hearer. All true prophecies have an intended audience. It may or may not be you. Some need a kind word of encouragement, some a rebuke, some comfort, some warning, and on and on. How tragic when someone hears a rebuke when they need comfort. (2 Corinthians 2) Therefore, when reading an online word, ask the Holy Spirit, Is this for me? Be willing to toss it if the Holy Spirit isn’t bearing witness to it for you. 
It’s ok to reject what someone is saying, God said

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